Creating A New Site or Subzone Within FTZ No. 155


Three FTZ subzones have been established at existing industrial sites in the region served by FTZ No. 155.  Additional subzones can be created to encompass new or existing manufacturing operations in Calhoun and Victoria counties.  This can be done at any time that an operation could benefit from inclusion in a foreign-trade zone. 


FTZ No. 155 currently has existing agreements with the City of El Campo Economic Development Corporation, the Wharton Economic Development Corporation and the Port of Bay City Authority to utilize the Port of Port Lavaca/Point Comfort and FTZ No. 155.

The benefits of subzone status can be particularly significant for businesses processing imported goods and raw materials.

Calhoun-Victoria Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., provides experienced management to ensure that Zone users achieve maximum savings through tariff deferral, reduction or avoidance and through exemption from certain inventory property taxes.